Plant-Based Recipe Kits || Certified B-Corp

Grubby, acclaimed as the top recipe kit provider in the UK, specialises in delivering carefully measured ingredients and recipes. Their aim is to inspire home chefs to craft delicious meat-free dishes using primarily organic British ingredients. Grubby created an impressive collection of more than 150 diverse recipes inspired by global cuisines, with culinary insights and techniques

Plus, these recipes can be prepared in around 30 minutes.

Plus, they add an extra touch of culinary inspiration by offering Spotify playlists to each of their recipes. It is a fun idea to infuse some rhythm into your meal preparation!

Fundamentally, we are the only authentically 100% plant-based recipe box [...] We want to be seen as the authority in plant-based cooking. People get our recipe kits because they see that we’re the experts. Yes, there are others with good plant-based recipes, but ultimately, it’s not their focus. With us, it’s the only thing we’re doing, our only focus and it’s always going to be that, along with having a much more sustainable proposition they can trust.
— Grubby

If you want to eat tasty, nutritious plant-based meals, and save time hunting for recipes and running around the store, all while reducing your cooking time - try your Grubby's food journey.

Forget about sloppy ready-meals and ordering another takeaway. The joy and satisfaction of cooking food from scratch is where it’s at. But if you’ve spent decades using meat and dairy as core ingredients, you need a bit of culinary know-how to avoid munching on rabbit food. That’s where Grubby comes in…
— Grubby


Grubby collaborate with family-owned farms based in the UK to deliver the finest seasonal produce available. On average, every one of their recipes contains a minimum of six different types of fresh vegetables.

Let’s face it, vegan food often gets a bad rap. Too many people think going plant-based means giving up some of life’s pleasures. Grubby was founded to prove this is a load of rubbish.
— Grubby

Being B-Corp

Sustainability is at our core
— Martin Holden-White, founder of Grubby

Grubby holds a B-Corp (Benefit Corporation) certification, signifying their commitment to achieving the utmost standards of environmental and social responsibility in business practices.

Find out more HERE

As a B-Corp, Grubby is deeply committed to minimising its carbon footprint. They've taken significant steps to achieve this goal:
- in London, all Grubby boxes are delivered by bike, ensuring eco-friendly local delivery.
- for nationwide deliveries, Grubby partners with DPD, a carbon-neutral company.
- additionally, Grubby has plans to expand bicycle deliveries to more cities in the future, which holds the potential to save a substantial amount of CO2 emissions.
- Grubby also track their environmental impact, by conducting a thorough analysis of each recipe to calculate its carbon rating.

These efforts and commitment to tracking emissions underscore their dedication to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Sustainable Packaging

Grubby provides transparency about the materials they employ and the reasons behind their choices. Here's a breakdown:

- they utilise eco pods for items such as spices, nuts, dried fruits, and sauces. These pods are not only fully recyclable but also BDP-treated (which means they break down in under 5 years if they find their way into a landfill).

- their boxes, brown bags, and recipe cards are all FSC-approved (indicating they originate from sustainable forests or recycled sources).

- for some products, such as coconut milk, jackfruit, legumes, beans, sweetcorn, tomatoes and mushrooms, Grubby opt for tin and cardboard punnets.

Occasional Plastic Usage

Grubby prioritises eco-friendly packaging choices. However, they occasionally use plastic in their packaging, like around herbs, loose leaves, or encasing cucumbers. Why? In certain situations, plastic preserves the freshness of certain items. Nevertheless, Grubby is committed to ongoing research and experimentation with alternative materials to minimise their plastic usage.

Buying = Giving

With each Grubby's box you purchase, they contribute a meal to a child in poverty through So far, Grubby has delivered over 20,000 meals to children in Uganda.

Another of our goals is to deliver a million meals to children in poverty.
— Martin Holden-White, founder of Grubby

Grubby Student Discount

Grubby provides a quick and convenient way to shop for vegetarian and vegan recipe kits. You will save time planning your meals and making unnecessary trips to the grocery store, as they deliver everything right to your doorstep.

And for students, there's even more to gain – you can save money when ordering their boxes online, thanks to the Grubby Student Discount.

The way we see it at Grubby, hardworking university and college students deserve to get something back for their dedication to those early morning lectures and late-night library visits. Our Grubby Student Discount takes the stress out of eating healthy plant-based meals so you can power your way through your studies.
— Grubby

How it Works?

The only thing that’ll taste like cardboard is the box.
— Grubby