Invest in Our Planet

Established in 1970 in the United States, Earth Day brings together millions of people around the world to shine a light on the serious environmental problems we’re facing, from the climate crisis to air pollution and deforestation. Earth Day is highlighting the actions that need to be taken to save the planet.

The theme for Earth Day 2023 is Invest In Our Planet, continuing on the same theme from 2022.

This Day is a call for governments, businesses and individuals to invest in a better future for the planet.        

Governments can pass regulations, they can promote [a] green economy. We need to invest in innovators and innovation, but we need to do it the right way. For individuals it is about investing your personal time, your political vote, investing in your community, investing your money into going green.
—  Kathleen Rogers, the president of   

What else can you do to help the planet?

Read books

Start making sense of things with this


Watch documentaries

Follow the activists


working to save the Planet

By Emily Chan, Senior Sustainability & Features Editor at British Vogue

For my59, every day is Earth Day and we believe it is for you too. We can live more sustainably, make greener choices as consumers, and switch our life to renewable energy. We can eat less meat, fish and dairy. We can also join a local campaign group, write to politicians and donate to environmental charities such as Greenpeace.

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